jueves, 17 de julio de 2014

DAY 12: Analizing data and going underground again

9.00 a.m.  Masterclasses Workshop by Konrad Jende. Today we've understood how data analysis is done in pratice with this entertaining activity.  Some pictures of the event...

Hard-working girls.
Thanks Geo Torn for your pictures.

15.30. Visit to CMS
The LHC smashes bunches of protons together nearly the speed of light. When this happens some of the energy of the collision is turned into short-lived particles. CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) is a particle detector made of layers that is able to measure these particles.
Scientists then use these data in order to answer questions about the origin of the Universe.

Let's go inside!

Going 100 m underground.

CMS detector behind me.

Muon group.

Components of CMS have been designed
and constructed in several institutes and
industries around the world.
Total weight: 14 000 tonnes
Diameter: 15m
Length: 28.7 m
Mangnetic field: 3.8 T
After visiting CMS experiment and resting for a while, the first lecture about  History of scientific ideas in western culture by Gron Jones. I could listen to him for hours.
Thank you Gron for your interesting conversations.

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