miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

DAY 11: Full day

What a nice surprise while having breakfast! Jack Steinberger, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1988 for co-discovering the muon neutrino, is sitting behind us.

Steinbergerg joined CERN in 1968. Although he is retired
 since 1986,  he comes here frequently.
I've just checked the agenda. Today is going to be awesome and very, very long: several lectures  and two visits.
At 8.30 a.m. , lecture about Physics at LHC by Michelangelo Mangano from CERN.
M. Mangano created in 1998 CERN's High School
Teacher Programme. Thank you, sir!

After a coffee-break, two lectures about The uncertainty principle, virtual particles and real forces by our Gorowny "Gron" Jones and The Higgs boson by Joseph Incandela from University of California Santa Barbara.
J. Incandela is the spokesperson on the CMS experiment at the LHC.
While having lunch...
Meeting: working group 4.
And then what I've been expecting since this morning: lecture about Cosmology and dark energy by Jonathan Ellis from CERN, a British theoretical physicist who was awarded the Maxwell Medal in 1982 and the Paul Dirac Prize in 2005 from the Institute of Physics
Ellis is frequently invited to give public lectures on particle physics and cosmology.
Yossi and me with J. Ellis.

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